Il DNA Autosomico atDNA
Grasso (DNA Match)
… da revisionare … I have many DNA-Matches on different sites with individuals of the Grasso families (plural because at the moment I don’t know if they all belong to the same family or branch). PGR on familytreedna: 40,0 cM, longest 13 cM, Y-DNA Haplogroup: J-M172, possible 3rd to 5th cousin. AGR on familytreedna: 24,0 cM, […]
Michetti (DNA Match)
DNA-Matches with the Michetti family I do match some of the Michetti family on ancestry: DMI: 15 cM, 1 seg., cousin 5th-8th degree; MMI: 12 cM, 1 seg., cousin 5th-8th degree; I match with her also on 23andme: 0,16%, 1 seg., 3rd to dist. cousin LMI: 7 cM, 1 seg., cousin 5th-8th degree; JMI: 7 […]
Matteucci (DNA Match)
MMH: DNA Match on 23andme predicted relationship 5th cousin Relatives in common confirmed (on my side): MAP, COP, REP unknown: CHB, ROS, LIC Invitation (and message) sent on 23andme and (without message) FB Three of the relatives in common (MAP, COP, REP) are confirmed also by paper documents, I’m already connected to them (also on […]
Protetto: Corrispondenze DNA – Abbreviazioni
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Korte (DNA Match)
I match with DEK on 23andme: predicted relationship: 2nd cousin once removed shared DNA: 2,12%, 158 cM, 7 segments Relatives in common on 23andme, included are following surnames present in my family tree or as DNA-Match on other sites: Cavallaro (Santa Cavallaro, ~1765 – >1825, my 4th great-grandmother, wife of Maria Di Bella), Grasso (possible […]
- 3-Cugini DNA
- ...
Palombini (confirmed DNA Match)
DNA-Match – confirmed A. Palombini, from PA, USA (in the following indicated as APA) has a DNA-Match with me on both 23andme: 92 cM, 1,23%, possible 3rd cousin. APA’s maternal haplogroup is HV0, whereby mine is H-T192C!. Because we match on my maternal side, of course we cannot compare our paternal haplogroups; ancestry: 90 cM […]
Da Adamo ed Eva a Noi
“Allora la donna vide … l’albero …; prese del suo frutto e ne mangiò, poi ne diede anche al marito, … Allora si aprirono gli occhi di tutti e due e si accorsero di essere nudi … L’uomo chiamò la moglie Eva, perché essa fu la madre di tutti i viventi. Il Signore Dio fece […]
L’Albero Genetico
La divisione seguente in gruppi di “Cugini” è presa dal sito ancestry ed è solo indicativa. Per le corrispondenze DNA confermate personalmente (in grassetto nelle tabelle sottostanti), anche tramite documenti, riporto il percorso fino al più recente antenato comune. Le corrispondenze elencate sono aggiornate al Novembre 2019. Parentele Strette (da 1200 cM) Nome sito relazione […]
Mitzi (DNA Match)
DNA-Match MPO, from USA, has a DNA-Match with me on ancestry: 95 cM across 8 segments, possible 4th to 5th cousin, on gedmatch I match with Mitzi: H154956: 123,0 cM; largest 22,8; 3,43 generations; NV3125619: 115,9 cM; largest 22,6; 3,48 generations; T013846: 123,0 cM; largest 22,8; 3,43 generations; ER9193228: 119,6 cM; largest 22,8; 3,45 generations. […]
Sorbello (DNA Match)
… da revisionare … I have many DNA-Matches on different sites with individuals of the Sorbello families (plural because at the moment I don’t know if they all belong to the same family or branch). On myheritage I don’t match with any Sorbellos, neither does my brother, however my father does. ASO on familytreedna: 23,0 […]
Moretti (DNA Match)
DNA-Match On ancestry I have quite many matches with the surname Moretti: CMO: 127 cM across 10 segments, possible 3rd to 4th cousin; MMO: 124 cM across 8 segments, possible 3rd to 4th cousin; JMO: 28 cM across 2 segments, possible 4th to 6th cousin; BJA, managed by AMO, 27 cM across 3 segments, 4th […]
Fichera (DNA Match)
… da revisionare … LFI, from AUS, has a DNA-Match with me on myheritage: 32,1 cM (longest one 23,9 cM) across 2 segments, possible 5th to 9th cousin. Her daughter JVH and her mother RCA have also a DNA-Match with me on JVH: myheritage: 30,8 cM (longest one 20,5 cM) across 2 segments, possible 3rd […]
Azzarello (DNA Match)
DNA-Match MAZ, from From France has a DNA-Match with me on myheritage: 21,2 cM (longest one 14,7 cM) across 2 segments, possible 3th to distant cousin. I contacted her in 2018, but I got no answer so far. Following table shows the possible relationship to our MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor). In parenthesis the less […]
Martello (DNA Match)

… da revisionare … PMA, from From France has a DNA-Match with me on myheritage: 13,6 cM (longest one 13,6 cM) across 1 segments, possible 3th to distant cousin. I contacted him in 2018, but I got no answer so far. Following table shows the possible relationship to our MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor). In […]
Tanti (DNA Match)

… da revisionare … PTA, from From Malta has a DNA-Match with me on myheritage: 10,2 cM (longest one 10,2 cM) across 1 segments, possible 3th to distant cousin. Following table shows the possible relationship to our MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor). In parenthesis the less probable surnames, reported here just for sake of completeness […]
Rosati (DNA Match)
DNA-Match FRO, from PA, USA, has a DNA-Match with me on ancestry: 21 cM across 3 segments, possible 4th to 6th cousin. Following table shows the possible relationship to our MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor). In parenthesis the less probable surnames, reported here just for sake of completeness and because DNA-matches and family trees are […]
Busuttil (DNA Match)

… da revisionare … BBU, managed by SBU from UK, has a DNA-Match with me on myheritage: 180,3 cM (longest one 38,5 cM) across 7 segments, possible 3th to 5th cousin and with my father, also on myheritage: 292,8 cM (longest one 39,5 cM) across 11 segments, possible 2nd to 3rd cousin as well as […]
Forlini (DNA Match)
DNA-Match P. Forlini, (in the following indicated as PFO) has a DNA-Match with me on 23andme: 63 cM, 0,84%, possible 3rd cousin. PFO’s maternal haplogroup is H1, whereby mine is H-T192C!. His paternal haplogroup is I-M253 whreby mine is R-P311. Following table shows the possible relationship to our MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor). In parenthesis […]
L’Y-DNA e l’Aplogruppo della Linea Paterna
Gli Aplogruppi Aplogruppo (in inglese Haplogroup) R-P311 Y-DNA
Mercieca (DNA Match)
… da revisionare … (questa pagina è in Inglese perché le persone con le quali sono in contatto risiedono nel Regno Unito e Canada. Di seguito i nomi di persone viventi vengono indicati solo con le iniziali). Content The Mercieca Family The Tanti Family Conclusion The Mercieca Family The possible connection to the Mercieca family […]
Peri (DNA Matches)
… da revisionare … (questa pagina è in Inglese perché corrisponde ad una mail da me inviata ad una possibile corrispondenza DNA che vive negli USA, di seguito indicata con AJP. La persona da me contattata è la nonna della detta corrispondenza Di seguito i nomi di persone viventi vengono indicati solo con le iniziali). […]
Portelli (DNA Matches)
(questa pagina è in Inglese perché corrisponde ad una mail da me inviata ad una possibile corrispondenza DNA che vive nel Regno Untio, di seguito indicata con SDR. Di seguito i nomi di persone viventi vengono indicati solo con le iniziali). Content Long Distant Cousin? The Pisani Family The Portelli Family The Mercieca Family The Tanti […]
Morda (DNA Match)
… da revisionare … (Di seguito i nomi di persone viventi vengono indicati solo con le iniziali). La famiglia Morda Tra le varie corrispondenze su FamilyTreeDNA ne ho notata una anzi l’unica dove l’utente, un certo RJM (4° o lontano cugino, 28 cM in comune, il blocco più lungo 10 cM), cercava tra molti altri il […]